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    IKE - Indywidualne Konto Emerytalne

    Zbuduj prywatną emeryturę odkładając pieniądze na IKE z funduszami w Polsce.


    IKZE - Indywidualne Konto Zabezpieczenia Emerytalnego

    Z IKZE pieczesz dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu. Odkładasz pieniądze na przyszłość i co roku zmniejszasz swój PIT. I pożytecznie. I przyjemnie.



    Nowe zasady podatkowe

    Dowiedz się, jak rozliczyć po nowemu podatek od zysków kapitałowych ze swoich inwestycji w fundusze.



    Nowe limity IKE i IKZE w 2025 r.

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    • PPK. Simply worth staying.

      On this website

      • You will learn how the auto-enrollment in Employee Capital Plans (PPK) works.

      • You will see how much money can you save by staying in the plan.
      • You will get answers to frequently asked questions
      • You will find some forms and documents to use.

      Auto-enrollment in PPK works as follows:

      You have an important decision to make:

      I'm staying in PPK

      and start collecting money for the future with the help of the employer and the state. 

      I want to opt out

      and resign from the opportunity to build private savings.

      Why is it worth staying in PPK?

      In PPK you save 2x faster

      By default, you contribute to your PPK the equivalent of 2% of your gross salary. The employer adds the equivalent of 1.5% of your salary. And the state tops up your account with a welcome amount of PLN 250 and PLN 240 every year.

      In practice, to each PLN paid by you, your employer and the state add the other one.

      Look, if you earn e.g. PLN 5,000 gross per month, you will accumulate PLN 2,590 in the first year. Of this amount:

      • PLN 1,200 will be deposited by you. That is the equivalent of 2% of your 12-month gross salary,
      • PLN 1,390 will be deposited by your employer and the state (equivalent of 1.5% of your gross salary + PLN 490 subsidies from the state).

      Employer contributions and state subsidies are a profit for PPK participant. Thanks to them, you will accumulate money much faster than by putting aside the equivalent of your payment to the plan just on your own.

      PPK means additional savings. Not only for retirement.

      It’s true that taking money from PPK after the age of 60 is the most beneficial. However, you can use the money earlier without giving a reason. Just remember that:

      • the withdrawal money will be reduced by subsidies from the state,
      • 30% of what the employer paid will be added to your pension capital in ZUS,
      • Income tax must be paid on the extra money that the fund generates.

      However, you can withdraw money from PPK earlier without having to pay tax:

      • in the event of a serious illness of yourself, your spouse or your child (up to 25% of funds in PPK, no obligation to return),
      • to cover own contribution for the purchase of an apartment or construction of a house (up to 100% of funds, with the obligation to return this amount to PPK in the future. This option is available to participants who are under 45 years of age).

      How much will you save in PPK?


      For example, if you earn PLN 5,000 gross, then in the default version:

      • Your monthly contribution is 2% of this salary (PLN 100)
      • Your employer adds the equivalent of 1.5% of your salary (PLN 75) to this


      Together with state subsidies, you will accumulate PLN 2,590 during one year.

      Check how much can you save in PPK!
      You can easily calculate it with the help of two calculators:
      Employee benefit calculator
      Employee benefit calculator

      In a simplified world, where salary increases by 5% per year, money in PPK does not work, there are no management fees, and subsidies from the state remain constant, the value of your savings after 30 years will grow as follows:

      PLN 147 000

      such amount would be transferred to your PPK account in 30 years of saving by you, your employer, and the state.

      This amount could be even higher. Money in PPK is invested on financial markets in Poland and abroad. It’s about getting them to work. The stock and bond markets can fluctuate a lot, just like after the outbreak of the pandemic. However, in a sufficiently long time, PPK participants can benefit from a simple fact - with small breaks, the world is constantly developing, and along with it the value of well-managed, global investments increases.

      You can read more about how this money is invested and what are the potential risks and costs in the Q&A section below.

      Facts and myths about PPK


      FACT: The money in PPK is the private property of the participants

      And it is guaranteed in PPK Act. The money can be used at any time, and after the age of 60 it can be withdrawn on preferential terms. What is very important, the money in PPK is fully inherited and without inheritance tax.


      MYTH: PPK is the second OFE (Open Pension Funds)

      These are two completely different programs. OFE is part of the pension system and an element of contributions paid to ZUS. PPK, in turn, is a private long-term saving program. Unlike OFE, in PPK you have constant access to the accumulated money.


      FACT: Participation in PPK slightly reduces the net remuneration

      PPK participants cover the payment to the program in the amount of 2% of their gross remuneration. In addition, you pay an advance on income tax from the employer’s contribution. If you earn PLN 5,000 gross, your salary will be lower by PLN 113 (PLN 100 is your contribution to PPK, and PLN 13 is an advance payment for tax on the employer’s contribution). This is a small cost compared to the benefits you get by participating in PPK.


      With PPK, you will collect private savings for the future.

      Think carefully if you want to opt out.

      Take into account that:

      ● state pensions are getting lower and lower.
      ● today’s 65-year-olds live on average more than another 16 years (data from the Polish Central Statistical Office).
      ● you need about PLN 1 million in savings to pay yourself an additional PLN 5,000 per month for 16 years.

      Over 3 million people are already participating in PPK.

      Do you want to know more?